Mothers and Daughters| Five Helpful Tips to Build Your Relationship
I just got back from spending eight straight days with my 21-year-old daughter. I learned a lot! Mothers and daughters can have complex relationships, and ours is no different! The first four days we spent together resulted from some struggles she was having, and her asking for my help. (Of course, I dropped everything and went, because that’s what mamas do, amirite?) The second four days we spent on a previously planned girls trip to New York City. I hope you’ve been watching my Insta Story and Facebook Story for all the fun behind-the-scenes pics of our adventures! (Look for a detailed post on our trip next week.)
It was a lot of togetherness, for sure, but it was such a treat for me! As an empty nester, sometimes we don’t feel “needed” once our kids leave the nest, and it was so nice to know that she needed her mom once again. We had lots of great talks, shed a few tears, and even (yes!) exchanged a few irritable words. With two sons and only one daughter, I confess that I’m not an expert, but today I’m sharing what I learned and giving you five tips to help you build a strong, intimate relationship with your teen or adult daughter.
1. Make it About Her, Not You
You’re the older, wiser, more mature one, RIGHT? Keep that in mind! Even if your daughter is an adult with kids of her own, and even if you consider yourselves “best friends,” you need to remember that you are the mom and she is the daughter. She doesn’t want to hear you complain about your husband (her daddy) and how he snores/chews with his mouth open/has no clue how to use his iPhone, etc. Although she may be a great comfort to you in times of struggle, it’s likely that she will be the more emotionally needy one in the relationship. That’s okay! It allows you the blessing of being able to be the most unique friend and emotional support system for her. Her friends will come and go, but mamas are forever! You gave birth to her, and you know her inside and out.
How to Have Meaningful Conversations With Your Adult Kids
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By the way, my daughter is the only one of my kids who actually calls me “Mama.” (My boys call me “Mom.”) For Mother’s Day this year, she gave me to commemorate our relationship. It comes in silver and gold.
2. Be a Mirror
One of the most valuable things my daughter says I do for her is to remind her of things she’s said or done in the past. With all of the emotional and hormonal ups and downs we go through as women, it’s helpful to have someone remind us that no matter how intensely we feel at the present moment, one thing we know for sure is that our current feelings and circumstances will change! When Becca and I are discussing things, I sometimes gently ask her if she wants me to remind her of what she said the last time she was in a similar situation. (She always says yes!) Often she’s caught up in the emotions of the moment, and having me hold up a mirror (so to speak) and remind her of her own words from the past about a particular feeling or situation can be helpful.
I get that! My husband does this for me, and I’m so grateful.
3. Ask Good Questions
Becca is going to be a senior in college this year, and I remember how scary the thought of facing the “real world” was when I was her age. Our daughters may call it “adulting,” but it’s the same thing! This week brought lots of opportunities to ask big, broad, open-ended questions that paved the way for some really deep discussions. Here are a few things I asked her:
- What are you most excited about this year and what scares you the most?
- What would be your top five ideal jobs when you graduate? If you could write the scenario, what would it look like?
- Looking back on your college experience so far, what have been the most valuable things you’ve learned?
- What would you do differently if you could?
- What are the big things you’ve learned about yourself over the past year?
- How can I pray for you this year?
Even if your daughter is much older than mine, asking deep questions and really listening to the answers can build and strengthen your relationship in a powerful way.
4. Let Them Be the “Expert”
Whether your daughter is 13 or 33, I do not doubt that she is an “expert” on something! Is it fashion? Ask her to help you shop. Makeup?: Ask her to give you a makeover. Is it the iPhone and social media? Ask her to tutor you. Is she into fitness? Maybe you could take an exercise class together.
My daughter is an acting major, and she’s an accomplished singer and dancer as well. She knows about everything from Shakespeare to the ins and outs of making stage combat look believable. When we planned our trip to NYC, she wanted to see a bunch of Broadway shows, so we saw five in four days! She taught me multiple theater terms (Do you know what a “spike” is? I do!); patiently explained all kinds of details about singing (including the difference between belting, mixing, and legit); and even filled me in on all the behind-the-scenes gossip on the Broadway actors and actresses (since she follows all of them on Instagram!).
It was a win-win! She got to show off a bit, and I learned a lot! Her vast knowledge genuinely enhanced my theater-going experience.
5. Find Something to Admire, and Admire it
I’ve written before about the fact that no matter what the age of our kids, what we do and say as parents still means the world to them. (Yes, even if they act all adulty and independent-like!) It was easy for me to compliment my daughter on her theater expertise this week, but she also won my admiration as she and Google Maps navigated us all over NYC with ease. With eight days together, I had ample opportunity to compliment her on everything from her fashion choices to her cooking. (When we were at her apartment for a few days before we left on our trip, she made me the most ah-mazing pulled chicken, sweet potato, and quinoa dish!!!)
With only one daughter after two sons, I know I’m not an expert on mothers and daughters! I’d love to hear some tips from you mamas of multiple girls. What do you do to build your relationship with your daughters? Please share your tips in the comments below!
I have 2 daughters – a little older than yours and both have kids. I told one of mine “you are sure doing a good job with him (my grandson) and it meant so much to her that she teared up. Compliment them on their parenting and affirm them as mothers. By the same token, never utter a word of criticism or anything that they could take that way about their parenting. Nothing undermines a young mom’s confidence more than thinking her mother doesn’t approve of something she does as a mom. I had a wonderful mom who only made one negative comment, very minor, very unintentional but I still remember it to this day! Glad you had that time to make memories! I followed you on Instastories – so fun!
Ohhhh, Cathy, that is such good advice! You are so right! That is such good wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing – your advice rings truer the older they get, and especially with regards to their parenting, I’m sure. The most valuable advice in the world has been the advice I’ve gotten from moms just a step beyond where I am, so thank you so very much!
I’m glad you followed my Instastories! It’s fun for me to share my daily life and adventures with you!!! Thanks again for your great comment and for taking the time to share it! xoxo Suzy
Hi Suzy, What a special time it looks like you both had. Our daughter is coming to join my husband and I for a few days during our holiday. She is a bit older than Becca as you know and sparks can fly with the two of us these days! (Always did but then she was a child so I had the upper hand) Now she is a woman it has been tough but vital that I find new ground with her so we can move forward with a new adult relationship. Your comments and advice are always appreciated! xx
It is so challenging to make the transition from raising our daughters to befriending them (in a unique “friendship” that only a mother/daughter share). The “rules” are unclear! Thank you for your honesty in sharing your struggles with your own daughter. I love it that your heart’s desire is to work on it! I hope it goes well when she joins you on “holiday.” (I just love your British terms! Please never stop commenting here and on Instagram!!!) Thanks for your kind words and for leaving a comment. xoxo Suzy
I have four grown daughters and am still not the expert! This post was perfect timing as right now I’m in the car with daughter number 4 taking her back to Samford in Birmingham for her junior year. I plan to ask her those great questions!!! Thanks Suzy!
It means the world to me that you liked this post because I think you are such a great mom to your four daughters! They are all so lovely! I’m so happy that I provided some good questions to ask as you head back. I hope it launches some wonderful discussions! xoxo Suzy
I so appreciate this post – you articulate what I try to do with my adult children but my family never did this for me and doesn’t do this well. So I sometimes feel odd but I know this makes sense for us so I will keep doing it. My family says they are supportive but it looks and feels different. There are no arguments here about the support you show your daughter and what she receives. She knows she can count on you. Thank you so much.
I always love it when you leave me a comment because you are always so thoughtful in what you say, Nylse! I am so glad you are doing these things for your adult kids, even though it wasn’t done for you. I guarantee they are so glad and that they feel your love! Hugs to you! xoxo Suzy
This is perfect timing for me. My daughter is also 21 and entering her senior year in college. I always worry if I have done everything “correctly” in raising her to be a strong independent woman (but still needs her mama, occasionally!!). When she will calls for advice, I always try and ask open ended questions. I believe it allows her to have the confidence that she IS making the right decisions or the right choices and that we will always be there for her.
Missy, that is EXACTLY what I try to do with my daughter! I am so glad you liked this post. How great that our daughters are the same age! Hang in there, sweet Mama! Thanks for taking the time to leave such an encouraging comment! xoxo Suzy
Missy, that is EXACTLY what I try to do with my daughter! I am so glad you liked this post and I so appreciate your comment! Thanks for reading and taking the time to leave such an honest comment! xoxo Suzy
Amazing Information mam. After reading Your blog helps to create better understanding between daughter or mother. Thanks
You are so welcome! I’m glad it was helpful!
it is a great blog thanks for sharing its is very helpful for future mother thanks …
So glad you found it helpful! Thanks for your kind comment!
xoxo Suzy