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Parenting Adult Children | Understanding Your 20-Something Kids

This beauty is just one of my three 20-something kids. Learning to parent them has been challenging, but rewarding. Watching them grow and mature has been kind of like watching a flower go from a bud to full bloom. The most significant thing I’ve learned? I’m not really sure what species of flower they are!…

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Five Ways to Build the Relationship You Want With Your Adult Children

One of the biggest challenges you’ll face as a parent is making the transition from parenting your children to establishing a healthy relationship with your adult children. You really don’t parent adult kids per se, but if you work to cultivate your relationship, you may win their hearts as a coveted encourager, a trusted advisor, and…

On the Heels of the Millennials: Meet Generation Z

On the Heels of the Millennials: Meet Generation Z

If you’re an empty nester like me, you probably have kids that are millennials. Much has been written on the characteristics of millennials, who, as a generation, were most influenced by the fact that they came of age during the technology boom. Lots of people (including me!) have generically referred to everyone under 30 as millennials, but…