5 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp & Improve Your Memory

Empty Nest Blessed by Suzy Mighell
woman over 50 standing on back porch posing and wearing Antonio Melani Bentley Square Neck Pebble Crepe A-Line dress

If you’re an empty nester, you’ve raised kids and probably helped out your aging parents. You understand that the brain is an incredible organ that constantly adapts and learns. But just like any other muscle in our body, it requires regular exercise and stimulation to stay sharp. So how can you boost brain function and improve your memory? Today, I’m sharing 5 effective ways to keep your brain in top shape.

June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, making it the perfect time to think about healthy habits that help our brains. Did you know that the risk of dementia doubles after age 65 and that Alzheimer’s (merely one type of dementia) affects nearly 6.5 million Americans today? Bob’s sweet dad passed away last year after a 10+ year battle with dementia, and it was heartbreaking for our family. That makes brain health a topic that is dear to my heart.

woman over 50 standing on back porch posing and wearing Antonio Melani Bentley Square Neck Pebble Crepe A-Line dress

Did you know that color has been shown to improve memory retention? You know I’m a fan of bright colors — especially this time of year. I mean, I’m not saying that you should wear bright colors to improve your memory (or improve people’s memory of you!), but it can’t hurt! 💛💚💙💗💜🧡

5 Ways to Boost Brain Health

1. Get Regular Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is not only beneficial for your body but also for your brain!💪 That’s right! Physical activity of any kind increases blood flow to the brain, promotes the growth of new neurons, and enhances cognitive function.

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In fact, moderately paced walking stimulates the release of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Scientists have found that it is the key to keeping existing brain neurons alive and generating new ones. And guess what? Aerobic exercise like walking helps to facilitate the growth of new neurons as well!

2. Get Regular Mental Exercise

Just like your body, your brain needs regular workouts to stay fit. Engaging in mental exercises and challenges helps stimulate brain activity and improve memory retention. Puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, or word games can be excellent options, as can learning a new skill or language, playing a musical instrument, or engaging in strategic games like chess. These activities provide mental stimulation, improve cognitive abilities, and keep your brain agile.

Even engaging your brain by challenging your 5 senses can help work out your brain. Try brushing your teeth with your eyes closed or washing in the shower using your non-dominant hand. Try taking a different route to work or the grocery store or putting on your clothes in a different order than you normally do. 😂 You can do it!

3. Get Sufficient Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for overall brain health and memory consolidation. During sleep, your brain processes information, strengthens memory, and clears out toxins. Have you ever noticed that after watching something intense on TV or having a deep discussion, you don’t sleep as well as you normally do? (This totally happens to me!) That’s because your brain is processing and organizing those things while you sleep.

Not getting enough quality sleep impairs cognitive function, attention span, and memory recall. We should all aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night! This allows the brain to recharge and function optimally. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, and create a sleep-friendly environment to help you achieve better sleep patterns. If you need more help with this, see your doctor. You may have an undiagnosed condition that needs to be treated.

4. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Our brains require good nutrition to function optimally! Incorporating a healthy, balanced diet of foods can support brain health and enhance memory. Focus on consuming foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins, like avocados, nuts, fish, leafy greens, and whole grains.

Think “Fruit to Keep You Astute,” and especially be sure you’re eating lots of berries! The secret ingredient in berries is the flavonoid called anthocyanin, which actually cleanses the brain of inflammatory debris that can lead to Alzheimer’s. Aim for a half-cup per day. Fresh or frozen will do!

Suzy’s Super Smoothie Recipe
(I make this smoothie 2-3 times a week for either breakfast or lunch!)

Milk of your choice
(I use Unsweetened Oat Milk but soy, almond, coconut, or rice or dairy milk will work too!)
A handful of washed organic spinach leaves
A handful of shredded organic carrots
One scoop of Protein Powder (THIS is the one I use.)
1/3 cup frozen mixed berries (My favorite is Wyman’s Triple Berry Blend.)
Two packets Stevia (optional)

Blend in a blender until mixed well. Add more or less milk to adjust thickness.

Also, be sure you’re staying hydrated. (Need help figuring out how much water you need to be drinking per day for adequate hydration? Check out THIS blog post.) Coffee can help boost brain power too! A 2016 study in the Journal of Gerontology found that adults 65 and over who drank 2-3 cups of coffee for 10 years reported fewer dementia symptoms compared with those who consumed one-half cup or less. (This is good news for Bob! 🤣☕) Even so, be sure you’re drinking enough water to offset the dehydrating effects of the caffeine!

5. Cultivate Connection

Social interaction and emotional well-being are critically important to brain health! Doing things like engaging in meaningful conversations, spending time with loved ones, and participating in social activities all stimulate our cognitive processes and enhance memory.

As empty nesters, we don’t have the built-in safety net of kids’ activities and the interactions with other parents that came with those activities. That means we need to seek out opportunities to connect with others! Call up a friend to go to lunch (Everyone loves to be on the receiving end of an invitation!), or join a Bible study, book club, or walking group. Have a hobby you love? Make time for it! Participate in activities that bring you joy and bless others.

It’s never too late to start taking better care of your brain! Start today to incorporate these 5 tips to enhance your brain health and improve your memory! Challenge yourself to stay physically active, prioritize sleep, eat a healthy diet (berries!), and nurture your social and spiritual connections. The result? Improved cognitive abilities, better memory retention, and a sharper mind. Go get ’em, y’all!

woman over 50 standing on back porch with one leg stretched out wearing Antonio Melani Bentley Square Neck Pebble Crepe A-Line dress from Dillards

Square Neck Pebble Crepe A-Line (7 color options! See them all HERE) | Raffia Mules

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  1. They are all beautiful! I would say – go with the most comfortable. My guess is that would be #3. The dress is beautiful as well!!

  2. Shoe #3. I think it will look more elegant with that dress (I see #2 with a midi or shorter style) and won’t catch the hem the way I suspect #2 will. You’re going to look beautiful either way!

    1. Susan,

      Thank you! All of them are surprisingly smooth on the blingy part, so I’m not too worried about snagging, but I’ll definitely check that!

      I’m grateful for your comment!


  3. I’ve been a Mother of the Bride and Mother of the Groom and can’t stress comfort enough. The amount of walking, standing and dancing I did made for sore, hot and tired feet. would be on my feet a lot. You can’t go wrong as far as style and color go with any. Just be prepared for ‘more’ standing etc. and remember comfort is key.

    1. Deb,

      Great advice! I’ll probably let comfort dictate everything. (But I bought a pair of Allbirds that match my dress just in case I need to switch shoes during dancing – which I will not hesitate to do!)

      Thanks so much for your comment!


  4. Hi Suzy!

    I think #3 , I think the more understated bling works for the long gown and the hem is less likely to catch on the flow fabric with the flatter gem style if you know what I mean as having a dress hem catch on shoe bling actually happened to me once and it was low key annoying for the entire event!

    Congratulations and blessings !

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