Hair Changes as You Age! Here’s How & What You Can Do About It

Empty Nest Blessed by Suzy Mighell
woman in blue monogrammed robe tousling her curly hair

This post is sponsored by Hair Biology. I only highlight and share products that I use and truly love. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Empty Nest Blessed!

It’s no secret that hair changes as you age! You may have noticed things like thinning, brittleness, and texture changes. These changes are a natural part of the aging process. Thankfully, there are things we can do to help and products formulated specifically to meet the needs of aging hair.

woman over 50 wearing blue monogrammed robe tucking a strand of her brown curly hair behind her left ear

Today, I’m sharing the changes we can all expect and telling you what you can do to keep your hair healthy as you age. I’m also sharing what I use and giving you a behind-the-scenes look at my haircare routine!

Here’s How Hair Changes as You Age

Here are a few changes you can expect with aging hair.

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woman over 50 wearing blue bathrobe standing in bathroom with curly wet hair
My hair may look full when it’s all styled, but it’s definitely thinned with age.

1. Thinning

As you age, you’ve probably noticed your hair is thinner. Mine is! The decrease in estrogen production causes hair follicles to shrink 😲 in diameter, making your hair appear less full. This decrease in estrogen, along with heredity, can also cause hair loss.

2. Graying

Did you know that graying can start as early as your 30s? Yep! It’s true. As our bodies produce less melanin as we age, hair loses its color. Gray hair is typically coarser and may look duller.

3. Dryness & Brittleness

As you age, your hair may become drier and more brittle due to a decrease in the production of sebum, your body’s natural oil. This can cause your hair to appear less shiny, soft, and smooth. You may also find your hair breaks more easily and is difficult to style.

woman in blue monogrammed robe showing her curly hair before washing
I’ve really noticed that my hair has gotten drier with age!

4. Texture Changes

As you age, you may find that your hair that was once straight may become more curly or wavy, or vice versa! (Crazy, right? 😜) This can be due to changes in hormone levels. My hair has gotten curlier with age!

What You Can Do About Aging Hair

These changes are normal, but the good news is there are things you can do to help you keep your hair vibrant and beautiful!

1. Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help keep your hair looking its best. Consider increasing your intake of leafy greens, berries, nuts, and fatty fish.

2. Hydrate

You already know drinking plenty of water is essential for your overall health, but did you know that includes your aging hair? Dehydration can lead to dry, brittle hair that is more prone to breakage.

3. Avoid UV Rays

Like your skin, your hair can be damaged by the sun’s UV rays and needs protection! Wear a hat or use a hair product with SPF protection when you’re spending time outdoors.

4. Use Gentle Styling Techniques

After washing, gently squeeze water the out of your hair and pat dry. Don’t rub! When styling, keep in mind that pulling hair with a brush can cause breakage and hair loss. If you want more fullness at the roots, try using your fingers to lift the hair at the root and drying your hair with your head flipped over as I do.

5. Use Products That are Formulated for Aging Hair

hair biology vivid and protected products

The Hair Biology line of products is formulated specifically to meet the needs of aging hair! 🙌 These products work to nourish hair and protect against damage. They’re made with biotin and free of sulfates, parabens, and dyes.

Hair Biology products come in various formulas to meet the needs of your specific aging hair concerns.

woman over 50 holding hair biology products
  • Silver & Glowing – Restores moisture and shine to graying hair.
  • Full & Vibrant – Volumizes for fuller, thicker-looking hair.
  • Vivid & Protected – (This is the line I use!) Protects and moisturizes colored hair.
  • Long & Revitalized – Strengthens damaged or fragile hair.

Best of all, they’re convenient to find! Not only are they sold at Target, but now they’re also available at Albertsons too!

Has your hair changed with age? What are you doing to keep your hair at its best as you age? Let me know in the comments if you have any tips for dealing with aging hair!

Thank you for sharing my content!
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  1. What a great & helpful post! I love that you cover issues most other bloggers don’t. I’ve been considering using Hair Biology since I first heard of them -from you!- a couple years ago. 😊 At what age would you suggest starting to use them? I’m 49 & seeing my hair turning increasingly brittle & dry, like you mentioned.

    1. Amy,

      What a kind comment! I’m so glad you’re enjoying Empty Nest Blessed! If you’re seeing those changes in your hair (probably due to menopause/perimenopause), I would go ahead and give it a try! The nice thing about Hair Biology is that it’s not expensive. Let me know what you think!


  2. I discovered Hair Biology also and love it! I also use their argan oil-it helps my hair feel more moisturized. Thank you, Suzy!

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