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A Personal Trainer Talks Health & Fitness Over Fifty

Y’all, it’s tough to stay fit and healthy during the holidays! When temptations abound and time is short, what can we do to stay (or get!) on track? Today, my friend and certified personal trainer, Meredith Boyd, gives us her take on fitness over fifty, healthier holidays, and more.

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The Empty Nester Marriage | Five Tips to Make Yours Better

How’s your empty nester marriage? Has your marriage changed since your nest emptied? It’s only normal that it would! When I asked one of my friends how her marriage was doing in the empty nest, she told me that she and her husband were really enjoying this time. They felt like they were teenagers again and…

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Tackle Your Tech | How to Use Instagram Stories Like a Pro

Did you know that Instagram Stories has more than twice as many daily users as Snapchat? Not only that, but Instagram announced in June 2018 that more than 400 million people used Instastories each day, up from 250 million one year ago. I use Instagram Stories all the time! On Monday I sat in my car before leaving on…

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Tackle Your Tech | How to Master Instagram Like a #GirlBoss

Thank you all so much for your enthusiastic response to my recent Smartphone Savvy post! It was the first post in my Tackle Your Tech series, and I’m so glad you found it helpful and learned something new! You know I’m all about learning and growing in the empty nest. In fact, lately, I’ve been…

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Twenty-one Ways for Empty Nesters to Make Money Online

Back in the day, if you wanted to make money online, it was tough to find something legitimate. Now, opportunities abound for people like empty nesters who want to contribute to the family income, help put the kids through college, or just make some “fun” money. When my nest emptied, I wanted to do something that would…