two women posing in a talbots store

Talbots’ Senior Brand Stylist Shares Her 10 Best Styling Tips

My friend and Talbots’ Senior Brand Stylist, Barb Benesh, shares her 10 best styling tips! You’re going to learn a lot, I promise!

woman sitting on a white bed wearing soma cool nights holiday pajamas

Trouble Sleeping? New Research Tells Us Why & What to Do

Are you having trouble sleeping? If you’re in midlife and beyond, you’re not alone! A new study tells us why and what we can do about it.

holiday gift guide pinterest pin

The 2023 Empty Nest Blessed Holiday Gift Guide

The only holiday gift guide curated just for empty nesters! Ideas for your senior parents, millennial kids, and even your grandkids! It’s all here in Empty Nest Blessed’s Holiday Gift Guide!

woman with brown hair standing by a doorway wearing a fall sweater

My Fave Fall Fashion Finds | Lock Down Your Thanksgiving Look!

Have you locked down your Thanksgiving look yet? I’m sharing some of my favorite fall fashion finds with you & telling you what I’m wearing!

woman over 50 in pink sweater holding a new grandparent gift idea

Best Gift Ideas for New Grandparents

Becoming a grandparent is one of the biggest joys of the empty nest! I’m sharing gift ideas for new grandparents that they will cherish.

woman wearing brown sweatshirt holding an iphone

Tackle Your Tech | 10 Smartphone Hacks to Make Your Life Easier

Utilizing new features on your smartphone can make your life easier (not to mention more fun)! Here are 10 smartphone hacks you need to know.