How to Pray for Your Adult Children | Six Bible Verses to Use
How can you pray in a meaningful way for your adult children? Here’s what I do: Use the Bible as a guidebook and these six verses as a starting point.
How can you pray in a meaningful way for your adult children? Here’s what I do: Use the Bible as a guidebook and these six verses as a starting point.
In the empty nest, every night is date night! With no kids around, you can do whatever, whenever. Sharing date ideas + my favorite Valentine’s gift ideas!
I’ve been an empty nester for several years now. Once I got past the initial shock to the system, I’ve come to love life in the empty nest. Here’s why.
Maybe you thought when the kids left your stress would decrease. That probably didn’t happen, because stress and the empty nest is real! I’m sharing the four significant causes of stress for empty nesters, telling you how I’ve dealt with it, and offering practical tips to help you deal with it too.
Are you still struggling with the empty nest? You’re not alone! It takes some people months or years to get their groove back. I’m sharing seven tips that can help!
Are you struggling to feel positive about getting older? Just like any stage, there are challenges AND joys. Here’s how to embrace it!
Empty Nest Blessed in the media…
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