How to Keep the Spark Alive in Your Empty Nester Marriage

Empty Nest Blessed by Suzy Mighell
couple in an empty nester marriage posing in front of black doors at a restaurant. wife wearing red dress and man wearing blazer and slacks.

That empty nester marriage of yours needs nurturing! When the kids were in the nest, it was easy to make excuses for not taking time for each other. But now, our little excuses have moved out of the house, and we need to prioritize our empty-nester marriages by showing love to our spouses every day.

Make Eye Contact

Last Sunday at church, I met someone new. As I talked with her, I looked her right in the eye, wanting to make a connection with this cute new friend. It made me think about how rarely I look Bob in the eyes for more than a second or two these days. Oh, we’re best friends, talk all the time, and do lots of things together, but I don’t spend a lot of time really looking at him. I resolved right then and there to try to do better.

man and woman wearing mickey mouse ears at a party
We dutifully wore our mouse ears at our grandaughter’s Minnie Mouse-themed 2nd birthday party!

Laugh More

Life is just too short to take everything so seriously! I mean, I know we are in the midst of kind of, er, interesting times right now in our nation, but if we can’t laugh at a few things here and there, we’re really in trouble, am I right? 

One day, when Bob left his phone on the counter, I opened it and went to my page on his contacts app. Once there, I changed my name from “Suzy” to “My Hot Wife.” The next time I called him, he answered the phone laughing so hard he could barely breathe! (I’d like it noted that he’s never changed it! It still says “My Hot Wife” whenever I call! 🤣)

happy couple selfie of couple who transformed their marriage

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The great thing about UNTUCKit shirts is that they’re made to look good untucked and tucked in. (For men, that can be a tricky style to get right!) Bob thinks they’re just about the perfect untucked shirt, and he loves the versatility to wear them tucked in (without a lot of bulk) as well! They’re that just-right length, they fit all shapes and sizes, and they make him look sharp—whether he’s casual or dressed up.  The price point is also amazing (especially if you use ENB20 for an additional 20% off), and the shirts look perfect right out of the dryer!

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This lightweight satin dress fits TTS and falls beautifully over your curves! It’s on sale for $78; you can take 20% off with ENB20. That makes this dress only $62.40! WOW!

On one of our very first dates in college, I was trying to put ketchup on my french fries. (Remember when we could eat fries without worrying about our thighs or cholesterol levels?😂) I banged and banged on the bottom of the bottle (not sure what kind of wicked thing they do to ketchup, but if you are the first person using the bottle, forget about it!😅). When the ketchup finally came out, it not only went all over my fries, but it pretty much went all over Bob as well! I bring that up almost every time we eat fries together, and we have a good laugh.

Smile More

Smiling is the cheapest anti-aging beauty trick out there, and it’s been shown actually to make you happier. Also, people who smile are often perceived as more attractive, likable, and competent. (Sign me up!😁🙋‍♀️) When it comes to relationships, smiling stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with feelings of pleasure and happiness.

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Smiling and laughing are cousins, and I think it’s so important to smile and not get too worked up over little things. We talk a lot about the things we share in common, like Baylor sports, the cute things our kids used to do, and things we both find funny – like movies or our favorite shows on TV. We love (clean) comedians like Nate Bargatze and Leanne Morgan, and we’re constantly sharing funny or interesting Instagram reels with one another.

Say “Thank You.”

I honestly believe those two little words can transform your empty nester marriage. In fact, I wrote an entire post about that. It’s backed up by science, y’all! One of the key ingredients of a happy marriage is what the authors of this study cumbersomely called “spousal expression of gratitude.”

couple wearing blue outfits standing in a garden next to a white table

Bob and I say thank you to each other all the time! “Thank you for dinner.” “Thank you for taking out the trash.” “Thanks for filling up the water in the coffee maker.” “Thanks for hanging up my towel by the shower.” Just thinking of all the things you could be thanking your spouse for will help you love them more!

Become a More Frequent Hugger

A recent study out of The University of California at Berkley found that a hug actually has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging benefits. (Whoa!) It’s got to do with the hormone “oxytocin” (adorably nicknamed the “love hormone”), which is responsible for that warm, loving feeling we get when we give or receive a hug. 

Levels of the hormone naturally drop as we age, and evidence suggests that could be a contributing factor to the deterioration of our bodies. Y’all, let’s hug our husbands more this year. This time next year, they’ll be looking about 26, so y’all get ready, okay? 🤣

couple in an empty nester marriage on a date
Don’t forget to use the Empty Nest Blessed exclusive code ENB20 for 20% off if you shop at UNTUCKit!

What are some little ways you nurture your empty nester marriage? I’d love it if you’d share them with our community in the comments below!

Thank you for sharing my content!
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  1. Suzy, I love this topic and all the flirting ideas and agree it is very important. I love flirting with my husband and having long talks about childhood or our own past. I sure do miss you and your sweet smile. I absolutely love the red 💃

  2. Those sure are some beautiful photos of you two. What a lovely couple you make.
    Thank you for all of these reminders. I try to never take my husband for granted but I’m sure I can do better.
    Valentine’s Day is coming. Instead of going out I plan a nice meal and go all out setting the table and trying to create a nice atmosphere for us. In fact I’ve been thinking about what I’ll make this year for a while now.
    If anyone has any suggestions I hope they pass them along.

    Thank you Suzy!

    1. Juliet,

      I love that you have your own special meal at home. I know that must make him feel so special. How about a classic steak, baked potato, and asparagus dinner? (I’m SO basic, I know!) Another idea would be to make his favorite. Bob and I like to do a make-your-own pizza, even though it’s not very fancy-schmancy!

      Thanks so much for your sweet comment!


  3. Such great reminders, Suzy!!
    I so agree about finding humor in the little and big everyday things.
    A few weeks ago I was very sick and making the rounds for medical appointments, and Clovis was faithfully by my side, holding my purse as needed☺️. I was so miserable and tired when we got home—and as I later got ready for bed I realized I had my leggings on backwards (with the writing quite prominent in front🤦🏻‍♀️). The techs had been all over in my space putting on electrodes so I knew they’d seen this. We just had the best laugh and that was medicine😍
    Gotta find the humor everyday!!

    1. Anita,

      What a faithful husband! Bob and I find it so important to laugh, even finding humor at times when things aren’t going so well! (Also talking about cute things Lily says or does helps!)

      A hug multiple times a day is mandatory and can mean so much, too!

      Always praying for you!


  4. Happy Wednesday !!! those are all great pictures of you and Bob !! (I feel like I know him now that I have been following you for a while)

    1. Claudia,

      Thank you so much! We had a great time doing this. Our 18-year-old niece shot the photos and videos. Did you see the Reel on my Instagram?

      Bob is the love of my life and I’m so grateful the Lord allowed me to be his wife!

      Thanks for your sweet comment!


  5. Shannon,

    You’re a great listener when I talk to you! I struggle with listening to Bob, for sure, and I’m really bad about finishing his sentences for him! When you’ve been married as long as we have, I think I know where things are heading and that he will feel somehow “understood” if I just say the end of his sentences for him! But that means I’m not really listening and letting him talk. Sometimes, people just want to feel heard!

    Thanks for your comment, my precious friend!


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