The Future of Empty Nest Blessed

Is it too late to say Happy New Year? 😂 Um, maybe a little! With Christmas and New Year’s falling on a Wednesday this year, it felt like everyone was all over the place at all different times!
I always love the freshness of a new year! It’s a great time to take stock and make a few little changes—and maybe even a few big ones! As the calendar turns this year, I’m celebrating the 10th year of Empty Nest Blessed! It’s time to make a few changes. Today, I’m sharing my plans for the future of Empty Nest Blessed with you.
How it all Started
I started Empty Nest Blessed when the blogging industry (if that’s the right word for it!) was in its heyday! At the time, the only blogs about the empty nest were sad and discouraging. There didn’t seem to be many resources for someone like me, who was facing this new season of life with some sadness but also with a strange sense of freedom mixed with hopefulness! I felt like the Lord was calling me to encourage other empty-nester women to grasp this season of life with joy and expectation. My mission was (and still is) to encourage, inspire, and bless women in the empty nester season of life.
So I decided to be brave and share my life! It took courage because, at that time, being an “influencer” was not actually a thing. (Or even a vocabulary word!😂) I started Empty Nest Blessed by sharing things like our travels, our date nights, and how I was downsizing recipes in the empty nest. My blog was the primary platform, and I used Instagram and Facebook to publicize my blog posts.
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Along the way, a funny thing happened! As my followers grew, they started asking questions. Some questions were about finding purpose in the empty nest or relating to adult kids. But many questions were things like, “Where did you get those earrings?” “What cookbook are you using?” “What’s your favorite brand of luggage?”
It became clear to me that I needed to be able to resource my followers in order to answer those questions, so I signed on as an Amazon Associate, which allowed me to share links to products on Amazon in exchange for a small commission (think 2-5%).
Around the same time, RewardStyle launched (now called LTK) as an affiliate sales platform connecting affiliates (aka bloggers/influencers/content creators) with brands. In a nutshell, here’s how it works: brands pay a small commission to LTK for each sale driven by an affiliate. LTK takes a cut and pays the rest to the affiliate (think 7% on average). For more on the business of blogging, see THIS post.
Although I hadn’t set out to start a business when I launched, I suddenly had one! After doing this for nearly 10 years, I’m now the top-ranked “empty nester influencer” “empty nester blogger” and “empty nester content creator” on Google! (It’s nothing special I did! I just stayed true to my mission and the empty nester demographic I feel called to serve!)
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How the Industry Has Changed
As in any free economy, where the money is, businesses spring up! I don’t need to tell you that the affiliate marketing business has exploded in the past 10 years! It turns out that people were influenced to buy based on the recommendations of individuals they trusted rather than slick advertising campaigns. This, along with greater accessibility to the internet, caused a domino effect. We saw the demise of industries that were supported by advertising, like print media, radio, network TV, and even billboards.
We also saw the meteoric rise of social media along with the influencer industry, encompassing bloggers like me and influencers like Kim Kardashian and other celebrities. Brands started reaching out and paying influencers to share and endorse their products. Many influencers started purchasing followers, attempting to demonstrate to brands that their influence was more expansive than it actually was. (This still goes on today!)
It became all about sales, with some influencers cashing in and sharing products they didn’t use or believe in to collect a paycheck. And the money was there. As of 2023, the global influencer marketing industry is estimated to be worth around $21.1 billion annually!
Y’all, I get 10-20 emails daily from brands that want to send me their products for free in exchange for endorsing them on social media. Sometimes, they even offer a flat fee (along with free products) to endorse them.
I set high standards for the products and businesses I share on Empty Nest Blessed, so I rarely even agree to try a new product or brand! I pledged from the beginning (and have repeated it many times since) to only share products or businesses I use and love. I am SO picky. Why? Because I know you trust me.
What’s Happening With Empty Nest Blessed
With the rise of social media, blogs like mine are disappearing! Most content creators have stepped away from their websites/blogs and gone to just social media and newsletters. The idea is that followers/shoppers prefer content that comes right to them instead of reading a lot to get to what they want. (Which apparently is mostly shoppable content!)
I get it, but I don’t know how I can deliver content like How to Pray for Your Adult Children | Six Bible Verses to Use, 10 Ways to Help When Adult Children Are Struggling (or in Crisis), or even 68 Great Date Night Ideas for Empty Nesters without this blog!
I couldn’t do what I do without my assistant Beth, and we try our best to provide helpful content for you. We try to mix shoppable and informational content. Our hope and prayer is that all of it is encouraging, inspiring, and a blessing to you. For me, the shoppable content pays the bills and provides a modest paycheck, but I think you know the other content is where my heart truly lies.
I’ve always envisioned ENB as a reflection of us as women. We’re beautifully complex—balancing hearts devoted to faith and family with a desire to live lives of purpose, all while embracing our love for fashion, beauty, travel, and more. (How fun are we? Seriously!) 😊 The content on Empty Nest Blessed will continue covering all these areas. But it will also circle back to more content that is specifically about (and for) new and seasoned empty nesters.
How Empty Nest Blessed Will Be Changing
Every time I watch figure skating, I decide I can do a double axel! “That doesn’t look too hard!” 🤣
But as with most things in life, producing a good product always takes more time and effort than it looks like when you see the final result. The truth is, we work on most posts and gift guides for weeks before you ever see them. I struggle sometimes (often!) with work/life balance, and I’ve pledged to my family and myself that I will work harder at taking breaks and unplugging. Bob and I are going to downsize this year, and the decluttering project is looming large! 😳😂
In the future, you’ll continue seeing lots of blog posts on ENB! They may come a little less frequently. We have lots of good content in the works! Here’s a sneak peek at some of the posts we’re praying about, compiling, or writing:
- Flirting After 50: How to Keep the Spark Alive in Your Empty Nester Marriage
- Finding Your Purpose in the Empty Nest
- Supporting Your Spouse Through a Tough Time
- Downsizing the Nest: How I’m Doing it & What I’m Learning
- The Spring Style Trends to Know & How to Wear Them
- At-Home Laser Technology for Women Over 50: My Honest Review and Results
- Mothers & Daughters: 5 Helpful Tips to Build a Good Relationship
I always send out a newsletter when I publish a new post, so if any of those sound interesting to you, it means now would be a good time to join the ENB email list if you’re not already signed up.
In addition, since current trends and analytics tell us that people enjoy receiving content directly in their inboxes, we’re starting a Friday Fun Mail newsletter. It will feature a behind-the-scenes look at my life, info on what I’m reading, watching, or shopping, recent fashion looks and favorite products, and a rundown of the best weekend sales. If you’re an Empty Nest Blessed subscriber, you’ll receive it. If not, I hope you’ll consider signing up. I don’t want you to miss a thing!
How You Can Help
I love what I do, and I truly feel called by God to do it. Serving you brings me so much joy! If you appreciate the content at ENB, there’s SO much you can do to help me! First and foremost, tell your friends about and encourage them to subscribe to the email newsletter. Word of mouth is the best form of PR!
The honest truth is that, in my industry, people largely evaluate effectiveness by follower numbers (called “reach”). It’s an important metric for me, but I’ve never purchased followers and never will. Another important effectiveness marker is “engagement.” That’s the number of readers and comments I get on blog posts AND the likes and comments I receive on social media posts. Your engagement with my content—whether on or social media—matters!
I think the younger generation is comfortable interacting with the content they consume, but our generation is used to consuming content without interacting! Think about it! We’re the generation that sat back on the sofa and flipped on ABC, NBC, or CBS for news and programming, listened to the radio to follow sports games, and thumbed through magazines for fashion and beauty inspiration. Compare that to the way your children consume content! They’re DMing brands, celebrities, and content creators on Instagram and commenting on news and sports stories they see on X! Yep! I’m playing in their world!
It would mean so much if you would consider following me and interacting with my content on these platforms:
- The Empty Nest Blessed Email Newsletter (includes the new Friday Fun Mail!)
- YouTube
- Amazon (The follow button is on the top right.)
I Would Love Your Feedback!
I do what I do for you! I’m so grateful for your support, encouragement, and love. Thank you for shopping with my links and commenting on my content! Your support enables me to continue to do this job that I love so much. (Beth says thank you, too, because she loves her job! 😂 You will see more of her in the future, as she will begin writing posts and sharing on social media!)
What are your thoughts about the future of Empty Nest Blessed? Beth and I would love to know! Are there topics you especially enjoy? Topics you’d like to see me cover more? Or less? Feel free to leave a comment below or email me at [email protected].
I love the content but have to resist the urge to buy all the shopping recommendations because we are needing to be debt free and also trying to simplify and downsize. I’m so looking forward to that part of your life and ideas. How to get rid of sentimental things, kids things that they won’t take, and tubs of “what ifs” that we may need. How to downsize and still be able to entertain. I love your ideas and depend on your Christmas lists – especially the stocking stuffer ideas. Thank you, Suzy, for all your hard work.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! I will be sharing more about my decluttering and downsizing journey, and I’m thrilled to know you find the Holiday Gift Guides helpful!
I’m so grateful that you’re here!
Enjoy your posts…have been following for a while. Used to buy a lot of CAbi too!
We are retired, empty nesters and downsizing to a home 2000 sf smaller and in the midst of purging and sorting. Its exhausting and emotional and just HARD! I find I would rather GIVE stuff away to friends and those in need than to negotiate FB Marketplace! I am looking forward to your post on this and any advice or tricks you have!
I agree, I need to slow down on purchasing and yet I love reading what you wear! Perhaps a year of collecting basic pieces, and then only posts about accessorizing. Ha! I already have a ton of jewelry too! At any rate I am eager to see what the new ENB looks like!
Thanks so much for your comment! I appreciate your thoughts and I know everyone is here for different reasons! I try to share what is helpful to as many people as possible, and try to emphasize that you can often adapt what is already in your closet to the new seasons – sometimes you just need to add an accessory to update it!
I appreciate you and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!
Your Friday Fun Newsletter will be a hit! My favorite follows all do something similar and it is so handy to find links, knowing what day to expect a message and it just ties it all together. Sometimes less is more.
Thank you! That’s so kind! Watch your inbox this Friday for some FUN!
Suzy!!! I stand behind you in your decision to be more focused and cut back to give your husband and family the attention they need and deserve! I have loved your postings for many years, and I know you have greatly blessed me and many others through your humor and wisdom. I applaud you for keeping your focus on encouragement and suggestions for how to improve our lives in this empty nest phase. I appreciate that you are unapologetically a follower of Jesus! When you do post fashion and accessory items, you hit a broad range of price points. We are all in different situations with our finances, and we love to support you when we can, and even splurge every now and then, so I think it’s great that you post everything from a Walmart sweater to a Talbots Cashmere coat! There are so many of your great gift ideas that I have purchased over the years because of your very comprehensive gift lists at Christmas time and other holidays!
I’m excited to start receiving the Friday newsletter, and continue to cheer you on in your endeavors. I’m also looking forward to hearing about your downsizing adventures, even though we’re not likely to do that for a good while yet.
Sending a hug from chilly Georgia this morning!❤️🇺🇲
Your love and support are such a blessing to me! I consider you a true friend and it’s so sweet that we share a deep devotion to our Savior! Thank you for your encouragement over the years. I do my best and am thankful for Beth, who understands and shares my heart for serving empty nesters.
Hugs and love!
Thank you for sharing the future of Empty Nest Blessed…your blogs are always filled encouragement, helpful hints, ideas and faith!! I’m looking forward to seeing where your new adventures take you and the blog!! Many blessings as you move forward!!
Thank you so much for your encouraging comment! It means so much to me! I’m grateful for your support – for so many years!
I was introduced to you through a Get Organized HQ summit, I believe. Just entering the launching of children phase at that time. I’ve enjoyed your newsletters since. I’m not a big shopper as we are cash flowing college for two (almost done with that), but have purchased a few things based on your recommendation. My favorite part is the sharing of your real life and family and your adventures.
My parents went through downsizing to move closer to me to help when the kids were in middle school. I wouldn’t have survived without their help. It took over a year to go through their 3 bedroom Cape Cod home with a 3 bay barn and into their teeny-tiny house that is just a couple blocks from me. As hard as it was for them, I’m extremely thankful. I wouldn’t know how to sell a tractor or the things from their janitorial and vending businesses, not mention all the things in the house. I’ll be praying for you and Bob as you begin the downsizing journey. I’m sure there will be some hard parts, but your kids will you thank you in the end.
Blessings to you and Beth and I’ll keep reading!
Thank you so much for sharing the story about your parents. Yes! It’s so important to think of the future generations when we’re downsizing! I couldn’t agree more. My parents did it for me, and I’m (partially!) doing it for my kids!
I’m so glad you’re here and I appreciate your input so much!
I think you are such a special person, and I have “known” you online and have had the pleasure of working with you. I, too, have learned to pivot, decide what is best for me, and understand how different things are now in this space. I started 11 years ago and now have a podcast. Your sunshine is needed in this sometimes difficult landscape. Your sincerity shines through! I wish you the best in all that you do! xo Suzanne
You know I love your podcast! I was so honored to be a guest way back when! We did start out about the same time, and that makes you so special to me. (Not to mention having the same name!)
Thank you for your kind words! I’m finding my way…more to come!
Suzy, I remember visiting with you at a Baylor event back in 2014, and you shared your vision for Empty Nest Blessed, which you were just about to launch. WOW! I know it has exceeded your expectations and is such a blessing to so many. I admire your bravery in shifting obligations around so that you are able to spend more time with your family. Thank you for your committment to serving women at this stage of life, and I look forward to keeping up with everything you have to share!
We were (and still are!) midlife entrepreneurs together, and that will always be so special to me! Thank you for your constant support and encouragement! I’m so grateful for you and our long-long-term friendship!
Stay warm down there in the snow!
I have been following you on Instagram for several years and I originally started following you for the “empty nest posts and article”. My kids were in college and well, I was an empty nested! I loved the content then and I continue to love the content now. I like how you have incorporated reviews of face products ( for aging skin), clothes for over 50 age, and relationship news.
It is not that easy to find “influencers” who support and give appropriate information to us in this age group.
Thank you for what you do! I love your newsletters and read them weekly! Keep being you!
Aw Sandra,
Thank you! Your feedback and kind words mean so much to me. I’m grateful for you and love that we’ve grown together as empty nesters. I’ve been working my way back through some of that older early empty nester content, and it’s so lovely to know it was helpful to you.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment for me. It means a lot!
I appreciate the blog. I do not get on other forms of social media.
Whatever you decide it has to be for the best of you and your family.
Later on, will you say –I wish I had spent more time behind the computer, or I wish I had spent more time with my family. I am assuming it is the latter.
I do receive your letters so thank you.
Thank you! I agree 100%, for sure! I appreciate you and that you enjoy spending time with me here at ENB.
Hugs to you, and thanks again!
I love your transparency. It truly seems to be an ever changing world around social media!
I appreciate your thoughtful content and I love the idea of your Friday fun newsletter. I appreciate you blessing all of us through the years with your wonderful and relevant content. Reading your content feels like we are having a conversation and I enjoy that so much.
Thank you for all that you do for us empty nesters!
Aw, thank you! People who know me say I write the way I talk, so I do feel like I’m having a conversation with you every time I write! It means a lot to me that you feel like my content is relevant to your life! I do try hard to make it that way. I write about what interests me – knowing full well that it won’t appeal to everyone – and I love that it’s connected with you.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and encouraging words. I’m so grateful to you!
I enjoy your blog and often find good tips. I especially enjoyed your stocking stuffer list but may be more budget minded than a lot of your followers. I trust your recommendations and appreciate your Christian focus. I’m so glad you’re going to continue the newsletter but totally understand doing it less often. Thank you for what you do!
Thank you! Goodness, I do love to do that stocking stuffer gift guide! Hahaha! I’m so glad it resonates with you. It’s really fun to do.
ENB is not a faith blog per se – there are lots of good ones out there – but I’m a faith-based woman for sure, and ENB is ME!
You’re still going to be seeing plenty of me! Thank you for your comment.
The mother & daughter content will be amazing! So thankful for you, Suzy! Agape,
Thank you so much! I’m not a perfect mother, by any means, but I do love being a mom to both my boys and my girl! Excited to write about it!
Oh my goodness! I held my breath when I first read your post and thought to myself, “I hope she is not ending her blog. I look forward to reading it.”
I was so glad to see you are continuing. I can tell you put so much time into this.
You give us so much content. I especially like the posts on what you are learning in your empty nest.
I also enjoy when you give us gift ideas for the guys. And, marriage tips for keeping life interesting in our empty nests.
You seem like such a warm wonderful person. Sincere too. I do trust you wouldn’t show us something you wouldn’t use yourself.
Something I would enjoy seeing more of is home decorating tips. Traveling too. I loved your post on that subject.
Thank you for all you do. You put a lot of work into this and it really shows.
Thank you for your comment, and thank you for being specific about what you enjoy! That helps me a lot. We haven’t traveled much in the past few years, but we look forward to returning to more of that later this year once our condos on Sanibel Island are finally rebuilt. (They’re close!) It’s taken nearly 2 1/2 years to rebuild since Hurricane Ian decimated them, and we’ve missed them so much.
If only I was a good home decorator, I would share more tips! Haha! It’s not my favorite thing to do, and to be honest, I usually hire someone to help me with most of it. That’s why you haven’t seen more of that. 😳😊
Thanks again for taking the time to leave a comment and for making it so personal. That means a lot to me!
I am excited to see your content on downsizing. I have things from my own home I need to sort through as well as some of my parents things I have after they passed away. We bought my parents house so it was easy to put off things like sorting the basement. This year I want to do some of that as I feel ready.
I look forward to your blog and love the content. Thank you!!
We’re in it together, my friend! Wow! You do have a project. Bless you!
I’m taking notes on how I’m doing it! Thankfully there are experts out there who can help if you need it. I’ve got that in my back pocket!
Thanks for your comment!
Beautiful and heart felt as usual. I love seeing what you are up to!
Thank you! I wouldn’t be here without you!
Hi Suzy!
Honestly, I don’t know how you do it! I admire your tenacity in this new world we live in, and for all of your interesting and inspiring posts. Downsizing is so hard, as many of us are dealing with our kids stuff and items from our parents homes after they have passed away; both are hard to let go of.
I value your decision to do what works best for your family. Know that whatever content you and Beth provide will be appreciated by all; it is plain to see that you both work very hard.
Diane from Missouri
Well, that just means the world! Thank you! Everyone wants others to notice when they work hard, and I’m no different. I’m one of those weird people who loves to work (Enneagram 3, if you happen to be familiar with the enneagram!) and I love what I get to do here at ENB, so it can be challenging to turn it off sometimes!
I’m working on it! Grateful for your encouragement and thank you for being here!
I absolutely love the direction ENB is going. I had to look back at your ENB file on my computer. It looks like I began reading your blog in 2017! You mentioned there wasn’t encouraging information out there for Empty Nesters. Your content back then is what drew me in and has kept me enjoying this blog.
I’ve loved your in depth content on skin care, re-establishing your relationship when the kids are gone, travel and more! I’ve saved so many of your blog posts to refer back to.
We downsized in late 2023, moved states after 34 plus years, and moved into a much smaller home. Soon after the move, my mother had health issues and she came to live with us for three months. I’m here if you ever want to talk about the emotional affect of downsizing, eliminating the furniture that will no longer fit, etc.
Thank you for all you have done to support us empty nesters!
Hugs, Nancy
Hi Nancy,
Thank you for sticking with me for so long! You are such a dear; your encouraging words and support have been constant throughout this journey! I’m so grateful for you.
I’m excited about your new website ( and the direction you’re heading too! So proud of you for making your empty nester years so purposeful and meaningful!
Thanks for your sweet comment! I’m so grateful for you!
Suzy, I enjoy the blog info, moments, sharing of ideas and general suggestions about life. Especially with DIL, SIL and the grands. I appreciate tidbits on Clothing, gifts, etc. , however, it is the well rounded approach to every day life for those of us who are empty nesters and adapting to a new lifestyle that I appreciate and look forward to reading/seeing. I have just downsized and am enjoying a simpler approach to everyday life; it isn’t easy to downsize and so many tumultuous memories and thoughts. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures down that path! Your newsletter is so helpful! Maybe every other week ?
Thank you so much for your comment! I am so grateful for your encouragement on downsizing. In some ways, it’s easier than I thought, and in others, it’s more complicated. I find myself putting off the things I know will be emotional, like going through old photos and the kids’ old toys! Did you find those things the most difficult?
I’m actually quite convicted about my attachment to STUFF! But then I realize it’s not really the stuff at all. It’s the emotions the stuff brings forth! I appreciate your encouragement!
I’m so glad ENB has been a blessing to you! I so appreciate you letting me know!
thank you for your great site. i am really looking for your articles of flirting with my husband and the others. my husband has kidney failure and is on diaysis 5 of 7 days for 5 to 6 hours total time and then this past August he had a massive heart attack and We almost lost him. In that 6 weeks in the hospital I watched your podcasts and read whatever you posted. In my dreams we would always travel and do so many things but at the age of 62 him and me 66 those dreams can no longer happen so We are praying alot. I am trying to find where God wants us to be so I quess in this very long letter I am asking for more articles on how to love Our husbands always and be fun about it. Life can be such a boring path but thru all this God is teaching us to live in the moment. Just a short PM. OUR one and only child told us to clean up the house because he did not want our stuff-junk. So with Michigan weather and work being shut down yesterday . I started the clearing out it will be a huge job and husband is not on board but I will work on mine and pray that God makes him see the difference. Please continue to do your amazing work but also do not wait til later to do things. We don’t know how long we have. sorry for this long note.
Oh, wow. I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, and the challenges you’re facing, sweet Kay.
Thank you for sharing your heart and your story. You are so right. Now is the time, because we don’t know what the future holds.
Please know I will be praying for you and for your husband.
Love and hugs,
Like another commenter, I was afraid that you were ending your blog! I enjoy your posts; I get so much inspiration and support from all your subjects but I especially enjoy your lifestyle posts – family life, empty nest life, travel, faith, and now downsizing. And I am looking forward to the Friday Fun Mail! Thank you for all you do for us readers! Your honesty and transparency are what make you such a gem. God Bless you and your family!
Aw, Helen!
Sorry for the scare! I just didn’t want to make any changes without being open and honest with you about them and why I am making them. I hope you can understand that! I will always do my best to be as honest as I possibly can.
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment and for your kind and encouraging words! They mean so much!
I really like your blog and am looking forward to the topics you mentioned here!! Thank you! I’m still in my 40s. To me, the shopping is a fun side thing. I’m feeling a little isolated since our kids are farther away, we are in months and months of cold, and I have no big stores or mall nearby. Your shopping ideas for all ages helps me stay in the know of what is out there these days. You are a real perk in my email. Thanks.
Thank you for sharing your perspective! Everyone is here for different reasons, and I do my best. Have you heard the saying, “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time?” That’s pretty much where I find myself! 😂
I’m so glad you like the shopping side of things, and they give you a bright spot to focus on during these dark, long and cold winter days! (Not a fan!!! I like warm weather!)
I’ll keep doing my best! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment!
I am so thankful you felt led to start EmptyNestBlessed all those years ago. I, as well as many others, have been filled with your helpful tips on everything from children to technology! You have been a valuable resource to me! I appreciate all the research you do to share what you have learned with your readers. I totally understand the need to scale back but am so very thankful you will still be sharing with your readers a vast amount of information. My heart is always blessed by your sharing of your faith. We all need JESUS.
Press on friend!
Aw, Lesa!
What a precious comment! You made me so teary with your kind words. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. They truly mean the world to me.
My faith in Christ is at the core of everything I do. He calls, equips, and executes His will in my life, and I’m so grateful! Sharing Him with others is so precious to me!
Thanks for taking time to leave a comment and for letting me know that I’ve made a difference in your life. It’s all due to HIM!
Glad you’re keeping the blog. I enjoy your gift lists, marriage / family posts, as well as knowing the trending styles / colors, etc. I appreciate the fact that you do show items in a range of prices and that you only endorse what you would use. The upcoming posts sound great as well as the Friday Fun Newsletter.
I don’t remember when I started following. All our kiddos lived at home until they married – our middle one was married four years when the oldest and youngest got married (just over 2 months apart! Those same two had 2 of our grandsons 6 weeks apart lol). It was definitely a jolt, and of course took adjusting, but we enjoy our empty nest now. Your mission to encourage, inspire, and bless is needed and you do it well. Your bubbly, cheerful personality shines through. By the way, we know you’re human too and you’re welcome to fill us in on some of the hard; we can say a prayer for you!
This technology has exploded for sure and is constantly changing. Since I know some of the things that help you, I will keep those in mind.
Thank you for your thoughtful and insightful comment. I so appreciate knowing what you love and find helpful. ENB reflects my life – truly! Sometimes, I buy at a low price point (Yay, Walmart!), but I enjoy a designer handbag too! 😂 So that’s what you’ll see reflected here!
Wow! You had a crazy empty nester experience! I’m blown away by your ability to adjust and look back at all you went through with truth and candor. That sounds absolutely crazy!
Thank you for following and for your continued support! I’m so grateful for you!
Thank you for this honest post about the business of blogging and the future of Empty Nest Blessed. So many influencers/content creators focus on just pushing products or clothes to buy — and usually they all push the same list of stuff! Like you, I am looking at downsizing my empty nest, and I face clearing the clutter from an aging parent’s home. These projects feel overwhelming, so I would love to see you share your experiences and maybe include some content from experts (conversations with professionals, for example).
I now can find plenty of midlife content creators telling me what to wear and how to apply makeup, but very few discuss how to meet new friends in midlife and make or maintain connections with people, maintaining relationships with adult children, spiritual growth, keeping up with tech in midlife, etc. I love coming to your blog for conversation on these types of topics. Keep it up, please!!
Thank you so much for your thoughtful and insightful comment. You’re seeing so many content creators pushing clothing and makeup because they have a business! They’re in sales! Everyone should get paid for the time they spend working, so I try to balance the type of content you love with sharing shoppable items – gift ideas, updated fashion, or the latest in beauty – that I think would be interesting and helpful for you! Not to be indelicate, but it’s how I get paid! ENB takes a tremendous amount of time, and there are tech and other costs associated with it that you do not see. I hope you understand! I need your support to continue to bring you helpful and worthwhile content!
I’m doing my best to create a balance. I’ll never stop sharing that “lifestyle” content, and I so appreciate your specific ideas and thoughts about what would be helpful! I would love your prayers as I seek to manage my time and energy wisely!
Hugs to you, and thanks again for taking the time to leave such a wonderful comment!
I love your website and appreciate the thought and work you put into it! I, too, am looking forward to reading about your down-sizing journey—I’m sure it will inspire me to be more proactive in that department. (Have you read books by Margareta Magnusson?)
Also, how about a piece on the best baby gear for new grandparents? We will be entering that season very soon (YAY!), and I am looking for guidance on which stroller, high chair, etc. to keep here at my house. In the spirit of downsizing, I guess they need to be compact and storable (is that a word?) but still sturdy and safe, of course.
Thank you again!
Thanks so much for your idea and for your faithfulness in following along here! I’m grateful for you!
I so appreciate the time it took to leave a comment. That means so much to me!
This season of empty nest has been tough. I’m thankful for all you write since it’s always encouraging. Today I was sadly trying to figure out how to stay close with adult kids when they move away and then there it is in my inbox an article about that. Perfect timing 😃. Lowering my expectations is something I need to work on and trusting that God has a plan. He always wants what’s best for His children and this just might look a little different for a little while. You are correct that my kids always need their mom. When something isn’t going right they call me, when they have good news they call me. Just learning to accept that we don’t see each other day to day is ok.
Keep up the great work of encouraging – we need more of this in our world.
Thank you for your kind words and I’m so glad it was helpful. The Lord knows what we need before we do sometimes, and I’m so glad that article was helpful to you. Trusting Him with what comes my way has made all the difference for me!
It’s great that you’re learning to lower your expectations! They can lead to such searing disappointment! If you take things as they come, it brings joy! Like you, my kids (at least the unmarried one) calls when she really needs to talk. I always thank her for calling and let her know I loved the time with her and I’m always here for her! Try that!
Hugs to you, Mama! You’re not alone!
We downsized to a smaller house two years ago and moved to a 55 and older resort community. Two years later and we are still struggling with a garage full of boxes and two very full large storage units. We did get rid of a ton of clothes and other items. There are days we miss our 3600 sq ft house with 4 1/2 baths, 5 bedrooms, and a fenced yard. The current house is 2200 sq ft with 2 1/2 baths and a smallish yard. We pay $4K per year for lots of amenities we don’t use and live in a lush tropical paradise that is devoid of all of the medical specialists we need. We travel six hours round several days a month to see doctors. Another difficulty has been dealing with young adult children. I appreciate your advice❤️
I’m so sorry you’re having a hard time. Downsizing can seem like a good idea at the time, and sometimes, even when you feel like you’ve done your “due diligence,” things don’t work out as you planned. One of my good friends and her husband moved to another state (and even built a home) to be closer to their son, his wife and their grandchildren, only to find out that the family had their own lives and their own friends. My friend and her husband struggled to make friends, find good doctors, and find a church they loved. Eventually they reversed their decision and returned to the city they’d left. They’re much happier now!
I’m not sure I have any advice for you, per se, but I would encourage you to look into your options and move forward to create a life and a lifestyle that is more comfortable for you. I’ll be praying for you!
Thank you for your empathy and kindness, Suzy
Suzy you’re a ray of sunshine with your inspirational styling & lifestyle content! I have often wondered how you create so much so often, so honestly I think your strategy is so smart. I will keep sharing you with everyone I know and can’t wait to see the new direction come to life!❤️
Aw, Barb!
Miss you and right back atcha, you ray of sunshine, you! Excited to see your new direction too, although I will miss you terribly! Keep me posted, my friend!