Fitness Over Fifty: Five Stretches Everyone Fifty+ Should be Doing

Fitness Over Fifty: Five Stretches Everyone Fifty+ Should be Doing

According to experts, your fitness over fifty routine MUST include flexibility training! Today I’m sharing the easy stretches I do to stay flexible.

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woman stirring collagen powder into her coffee

Collagen: What Happened When I Tried the Latest Beauty Craze

Have you tried collagen? To hear people talk, you’d think it was the fountain of youth! I tried it, and I’m sharing my experience.

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woman on the the beach at sunset on sanibel isalnd

Sanibel Beach Trip Wrap Up | All the Details You’ve Been Asking For!

We’re headed home today from our Sanibel beach trip, and I’m answering your questions! Here’s where we stayed, played, and ate + all the details on what I wore!

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woman making southwestern shrimp recipe in kitchen

Suzy’s Southwestern Shrimp Recipe | Spice Up Your Summer!

Happy Summer! I’m sharing my Southwestern Shrimp recipe! It’s one of our favorite spicy summer dishes. It’s perfect for the beach!

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woman over fifty wearing pink top and blazer standing in front of a brown wall and looking to the side
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Stress and the Empty Nest | How I Handle It & You Can Too

Maybe you thought when the kids left your stress would decrease. That probably didn’t happen, because stress and the empty nest is real! I’m sharing the four significant causes of stress for empty nesters, telling you how I’ve dealt with it, and offering practical tips to help you deal with it too.

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woman on beach vacation wearing pink dress sitting on arm of chair at table with blue umbrella

What I Pack for a Beach Vacation | My Sun & Surf Must-Haves

I absolutely love the beach! But packing for a beach vacation can require extra planning. From bathing suits and sunscreen to coolers and sun-protective makeup, here are my sun & surf must-haves.

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