How to Navigate the New Chronological “Favorites” Feed on IG

Empty Nest Blessed by Suzy Mighell
how to add accounts to favorites on instagram

Today I’m sharing some good info you need to know! If you’re on Instagram, you’ve probably been frustrated at one time or another with the fact you are not seeing the content of some of the people you’re following. Gone are the early days of the chronological feed, when you would sign on to Instagram, hop onto your home feed, and see (in chronological order) what everyone had posted since the last time you’d been on the platform. It was kind of like catching up with your friends!

For years now, the Instagram algorithm has undergone constant changes, often leaving creators like me confused and frustrated when their posts weren’t seen by their audience, and users like you upset that their favorite creators, family, or friends’ accounts were not appearing in their feed. Today I have good news for you!

In an effort to better tailor the home feed to your individual preferences, Instagram has introduced “Favorites.” You can select up to 50 accounts, which will then show up higher in your home feed and in chronological order, so you can quickly catch up on recent posts. 🤸‍♀️💃🎉 If you choose not to select any Favorites, your feed will still be subject to Instagram’s algorithm, meaning you will see posts IG thinks you’ll like, not necessarily the ones you like.

It’s time to take control of your Instagram Feed BACK!

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Instagram: How To Add Accounts to Your Favorites

Today, we’re walking you through how to add your favorite accounts (hopefully one of them is @emptynestblessed!) to your home feed as one of your “favorites.”

Note: It may be easier to read this post on your laptop, desktop, or tablet in order to follow the instructions on your phone!

Step 1

On the Instagram Home tab, tap on the word “Instagram” in the top left-hand corner to reveal a dropdown menu. Then, tap “Favorites”.

how to add accounts to favorites on instagram

Step 2

Tap “Add Favorites“.

how to add accounts to favorites on instagram

Step 3

Click into the Search Bar to add an account by name.

The accounts directly below the search bar are accounts Instagram recommends you add to your Favorites, based on your interactions with those accounts.

how to add accounts to favorites on instagram

Step 4

Type any account name into the Search bar to bring that account into view.

how to add accounts to favorites on instagram

Step 5

Tap “Add” to add an account to your Favorites list.

how to add accounts to favorites on instagram

How to Remove An Account From Favorites

Have no fear, people are not notified when they are added or removed from your Favorites list. You can make changes to your list at any time! To remove an account, simply follow the steps above, but instead of clicking “Add” next to an account, click “Remove“.

how to remove accounts to favorites on instagram

I hope you found that quick tutorial helpful! I love sharing practical how-tos with you that will simplify your life and help you gain control over the time you spend online. Let me know in the comments if you have any additional questions or a topic you’d like to see us cover in the future. To check out my other Tackling Your Tech posts, click HERE.

Thank you for sharing my content!
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      1. Tracey,

        Be sure your phone is updated with the latest software update and that your Instagram app is updated too.

        Please let me know if that works for you!


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