woman in blue dress with red shoes sitting on her front porch

How to “Parent” When Your Boomerang Kids Come Back to the Nest

When adult kids move home, it’s a big adjustment! Tips for “parenting” through it + three “boomerang kids” weigh in on what it’s like for them.

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woman in brown sweater and in green sweater

What Are Your Most Flattering Colors? | Here’s How to Figure It Out

Does your skin have warm or cool undertones? Knowing your most flattering colors will help you pick the right clothes & makeup with confidence!

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collage of products for dry skin

Help For Your Dry Skin | The Products I Use & Love

Cold weather, dry air, hot showers, and aging can all contribute to dry skin. My New Year’s resolution this year was to tackle mine! So I talked to my dermatologist and made a plan. I’m sharing the products that I’ve been using, information on the ingredients that make them work, and what they’ve done for me!

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display of board-game pieces

Never Stop Playing! | 5 Favorite Games for Game Night

The happiest empty nesters I know are the ones with a playful approach to life! One way to keep that playful spirit? Grab out some new games and throw a game night! Whether you invite friends, family, or it’s just the two of you, here are five favorite games for game night!

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woman dressed in brown sitting on rust colored staircase

Tackle Your Tech | What to Watch When There’s Nothing Worth Watching

If most of what’s out there to stream makes you cringe, you’re not alone! I’ve got good ideas for what to watch online when it seems like there’s nothing worth watching. (Sharing lots of positive, uplifting alternatives in this post!)

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woman in red heart sweater, white jeans, and red sneakers on a porch
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Eight Great Date Ideas for Empty Nesters + My Valentine’s Gift Guide Faves

In the empty nest, every night is date night! With no kids around, you can do whatever, whenever. Sharing date ideas + my favorite Valentine’s gift ideas!

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