Comments on: Parenting Adult Children | Understanding Your 20-Something Kids A Lifestyle Blog for Empty Nesters by Suzy Mighell Sat, 13 Feb 2021 18:05:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: EmptyNestBlessed Sat, 21 Apr 2018 01:38:37 +0000 In reply to Anne.

Anne, I couldn’t agree more! (BTW, my 80+ year old mom says the very same thing! Hugs to you! xoxo Suzy

By: Anne Sat, 21 Apr 2018 00:13:51 +0000 In reply to EmptyNestBlessed.

I am glad to hear someone else say this, too! As a mother of 8, with 6 sons and daughters in law, it is fun and crazy when everyone is together, but I don’t feel like I’ve connected with anyone as well as one on one.
Thanks for sharing!

By: EmptyNestBlessed Wed, 18 Apr 2018 15:40:12 +0000 In reply to Janet.

You are NOT crazy! These are challenging times as they differentiate (You might want to Google that term!) and become their own people. Mysterious isn’t dishonest, it’s just interesting! Press on, my friend. Once she gets through this, things will calm down, I promise! My older boys are a delight! Hugs! xoxo Suzy

By: Janet Wed, 18 Apr 2018 13:36:40 +0000 I feel like you looked into my home & observed my 20 something daughter. It’s like they’re teenagers all over again but with more knowledge. Annoyingly so at times. There’s such a thin line to walk sometimes. I’ve tried the being mysterious route, but then feel I’m being dishonest. Lead by example.
Thank you for your insight . Now I know I’m not alone & going crazy.

By: EmptyNestBlessed Tue, 17 Apr 2018 02:25:42 +0000 In reply to Lisa Batten Kunkleman.

Wow! Your comment just blew me away!!! Your kids sound amazing. I agree with you. This group is doing so many things right. Don’t you love that they seek balance in their lives? They have so much initiative and they are such go-getters! I’m so proud of each of mine too. They are all so different and they have such a strong sense of purpose. Thanks so much for reading Empty Nest Blessed and for your sweet words about Instagram! I’m so happy you’re here and I just LOVED your insightful comment! xoxo Suzy

By: Lisa Batten Kunkleman Tue, 17 Apr 2018 01:17:23 +0000 This is one of the most accurate post I think I’ve ever read and all my years of reading parenting articles. We have 21-year-old triplets and everything you said fits with this new generation of young adults that came out of our house. It’s fascinating watching them be so wise beyond her years regarding their bodies and nature and what’s important in life. I could not be more proud of all four of my kids we have a 28-year-old to who’s out on her own and is a Music major turned, Speech Therapist who makes wire wrapped jewelry that blows my mind as her other business. Her 21-year-old daughter is about to take time out from her art major and travel to Bali to become a yoga instructor and is A gluten-free vegan and has turned stomach problems into living a completely healthy lifestyle. When medicine failed her she did her research and has found her own solutions to feeling good. One of their brothers is a biology major who leads people into the wilderness and on backpacking trips and caving and climbing and loves every minute of it. Their other brother is majoring in emergency medical care in is an EMT on campus. It sure would be great to hear stories like yours and mine and your readers instead of all the bad news we hear. I think this generation is going to do a fabulous job of improving our world. I’m so excited to read more of your blog and have already enjoyed your Instagram photos. Y’all are pretty cute people.

By: EmptyNestBlessed Mon, 16 Apr 2018 21:21:09 +0000 In reply to Tammy.

You are so sweet, Tammy! I’m grateful for your encouragement, too. It is SO FUN (and a little bit terrifying) watching them navigate things on their own. The absolute worst is when you see them heading for a problem, and you know you have to hold your tongue. That’s a toughie for me! How fun that your kids are the same age as mine. Ours are 25, 24 (married and wife 24 too), and 21. It’s hard to believe, but such a blessing to see them become the people the Lord means for them to be. Thanks so much for reading and for your comment!
xoxo Suzy

By: Tammy Mon, 16 Apr 2018 21:06:08 +0000 Good words and so accurate, Suzy! Thank you for your words of encouragement and for letting us all go along as you navigate these waters! Our kids are about the same age as yours. Isn’t it so fun watching them figure things out?

By: EmptyNestBlessed Mon, 16 Apr 2018 15:43:51 +0000 In reply to Wendy Howard.

As usual, you are a great example and inspiration to me! You do it so well. I know, I am amazed at how different each of my kids is as well. I think that’s why we really prefer to have them one at a time. When everyone’s together it’s fun, but I don’t feel like a do as good a job as a mom. Parenting adult kids takes concentration!!! Happy Wedding! xoxo Suzy

By: EmptyNestBlessed Mon, 16 Apr 2018 15:39:58 +0000 In reply to Brigit.

Thank you for sharing and for your encouraging words! I agree, and have had a hard time weaning myself off of knowing everything! I try to keep some of my life a little mysterious, too. Hopefully, it makes me more interesting to them! LOL. You are so right. We have to come to a point of acceptance with just now knowing everything. It’s tough! Thank you for your sweet words about Becca! Do you really think she looks like me? That is so kind! Thanks for reading Empty Nest Blessed and for taking the time to leave such an insightful comment. xoxo Suzy
